Hello there, have a cup of tea and make yourself comfortable.

March 22, 2013


Alas! Change has come at last!
As jet-full winds sound their trumpet blast,
To call summer home--to make it past!

Its mark was known when leaves all 'round, 
Stamped the tented yellow ground,
And nature's birds made no sound.

March 8, 2013

A Picture of the Moment

What is a picture of the moment?
An impression of artful sight,
A shade and tint combat;
A compering of dark from light,
To take and draw the eye gone by
With mere brush strokes of flight.

March 6, 2013

First Glimpse of Snow

Look  little-ones at the sky,
Alto-cumulus reigns on high!
One snowflake on the ground,
Two more neat and sound.

They wisp here and there,
As dainty gifts from the air,
And you can catch their shapes
On windows and scarlet capes.

Some of them miss and pass,
Others clump in a mass.
So look little-ones and see 
God's handiwork all set free!